Sunday, September 1, 2019

New OSR Products at DTRPG — August 31st, 2019

My work schedule keeps changing the last few weeks (and next few) so I'm not sure what day of the week I can post this (as I get home at almost midnight).

Also, there's a new OSRIC module from Anthony Huso over at Lulu, Geir Loe Cyn-crul. No idea if there is an Earl Geir in it, but worth checking out ($10 for 78 pages in PDF, also a print version)


Citadel of Terror -  Low level 1e/2e (or so it says, no preview) adventure about a visit to a wizard's lair (to see if he's okay). $14.95 (down from $99.99) and 64 pages.

Halls of the Bonelord -  Low level generic dungeon. 5 pages, $1

SO14 Blood Moon - 4th to 6th level adventure about investigating a farm. 30 pages, $7.50


Class Ideas 1e - 4 new classes and 4 tweaks to existing classes. 23 pages, PWYW

Cult of Diana: The Amazon Witch for Basic Era games -  From the Witch guy. 26 pages, free (for now?)

Old School Class: The Necromancer -  From Charles Rice (who did several OSRIC supplements in the early days of OSRIC) comes this take on the Necromancer for 1e.  23 pages, $2.50

Sword & Spell; Might & Magic Supplment: Knights and Warders -  Make White Box clone. Then sell people back the stuff you took out. Profit! $1.95 for 1 page (apparently the Ranger and Paladin)


Friday Enhanced Map 8-30-19 -  $2


  1. Looks like for "Citadel of Terror" several stretch goals were missed. If it were me, I'd simply set the funding goal to represent the full book I have planned. Instead of releasing only part of it because it funded and because the the stretch goals were not met! Only OK if those missed stretch goals are bumped to the next project, so backers don't feel cheated.

  2. I'm eagerly awaiting the flood of OSE shovelware that will drown out the White Box shovelware.
