Friday, July 31, 2020

New OSR Products at DTRPG — July 30th, 2020

Blogger upgraded itself for some reason, so this may be stranger than normal

Adventures & Settings

Avanar's Blade
- For OD&D. Seems more like a quick encounter, as there isn't a map as near as I can tell. PWYW, 1 page.

The Hanging Tree - Another 1 page adventure for OD&D. PWYW

The King's Crow - Another 1 page adventure for OD&D. PWYW

The Roadside Shrine - Another 1 page adventure for OD&D. PWYW

The Sunken Tavern
- Another 1 page adventure for OD&D. PWYW,  Honestly, these things look like they could be a one paragraph encounter in a hex crawl.


BX Options: Class Builder - This is interesting. Rules to make your own classes for BX and have them be balanced. Also some other stuff like a d6 skill system.  Not sure why they included that, since that's White Box, with the d100% being introduced even before Greyhawk was published. I also don't get the appeal, a d6 is not granular enough.  $9.99 and 78 pages.

Odysseys & Overlords Advanced Tools - Some add on rules for characters for the BFRPG based games. 24 pages, $2.95


Friday Enhanced Map 7-24-2020 - Smallish dungeon. $2

Friday, July 24, 2020

New OSR Products at DTRPG — July 23rd, 2020

Last week was my birthday, so I skipped

Adventures & Settings

Adventure Anthology: Blood -  Aka James Raggi really needs money, so here's 5 early LotFP adventures in one PDF. $19.99 and 350 pages.

Big Puppet -  Looks like it's one of those adventures where real life people end up in a game world. For LotFP so presumably it's super nihilistic, pretentious, and edgelordy. $9.99 and 99 pages.

Fermentvm Nigrvm Dei Sepvlti - LotFP adventure so like above, only some medieval thingie. 104 pages, $9.99

Last Vestige of Hope - Gamma World (1e) adventure from ThrowiGames, originally designed for a con. 30 pages, $4

Moving Maze of the Mad Master - The 6th Maximum Mayhem Dungeon Module for 1e/OSRIC. 44 pages, $10 and if it's like the previous, is more a con style adventure than a real one.

Star Jumper Adventure Pack - Compilation of 3 adventures for Small Niches's White Star games. 66 pages and $4.99

The Basilisk Knights -  Part of the ongoing hexcrawl series from Third Kingdom Games. 27 pages, $3.95

Tich-Toch Teens Hexcrawl the Moon - This seems to be a joke product for OSE. 69 cents and 4 pages with the promise it might get fleshed out if it sells.


Deck of Weird Things -  LotFP supplement, so presumably half of them will immediately destroy the campaign world, while the other half will just kill the characters. $9.99 and 66 pages.

The Woodsman - Medieval Authentic (tm) class for Lion & Dragon. 99 cents, 6 pages.


Friday, July 10, 2020

New OSR Products at DTRPG — July 9th, 2020

Woof. The dog days of Summer are here.

Adventures & Settings

The Beatified & Damned -  One of those pretentious artistic modules. $3 and 4 pages

The Gateway to the Pallid Fields -  Part of the ongoing hex crawl series from Third Kingdom Games. 23 pages, $2.95. I have never heard anyone use the world "pallid" in real life.

The Lost City: Campaign Sourcebook - Companion of sorts to the classic module B4 The Lost City, which is really amazing, but at the same time, rather sketchy, almost more a framework of an adventure than anything else. Free


Circus Western -  I'm not sure if this is OSR or not. It's a translation of a spanish Wild West RPG. 68 pages, $4.95

Of Beats Brave and True -  Rules for playing critters in The Hero's Journey.  $4.99 and 49 pages.


Friday Enhanced Map 7-3-20 - Now this is cool looking. Like a amphitheater dungeon complex. $2

Friday, July 3, 2020

New OSR Products at DTRPG — July 2nd, 2020

For some reason, there is someone who rates every single PWYW/free product a 2 or 3.  Why does this person do this? It's one thing to review or even rate something, but just spam rate doesn't do anyone any good.

I complained to DTRPG about this, but they apparently don't care.

Adventures & Settings

Clan Gallien Region -  Part of the Rosethrone setting, a couple adventures of which I have, but cannot remember anything particularly specific to know what this region is. PWYW and 12 pages.

La Tomba dei Re Serpenti - Italian version of a LotFP adventure. 38 pages, free.

SG5 The Basilisk -  From Starry Knight, 6th to 8th level 42 pages, $7.50


CAL 1a - Conversion Guide to Meryath for Calidar, Labyrinth Lord Version -  Whew. This is a conversion guide for the three Calidar books set in Meryath. 26 pages, $2.95

CAL 1b - Conversion Guide to Merytath for Calidar, OSRIC Version - 26 pages, $2.95

New Knights of the All Mind - House rules for Advanced Labyrinth Lord from a old time 1e group that switched. 32 pages, free.


Calidar Series 2 PDFs Bundle - All the newer Calidar stuff in PDF. Does not include the above (which is older).  $17.55.  Print and PDF version $48.70