Makes characters and encounters like this
8 Monsters Generated AC HP Attacks Damage Rock Baboon 6 8 1 club / 1 bite 1d6 / 1d3 Rock Baboon 6 6 1 club / 1 bite 1d6 / 1d3 Rock Baboon 6 2 1 club / 1 bite 1d6 / 1d3 Rock Baboon 6 10 1 club / 1 bite 1d6 / 1d3 Rock Baboon 6 3 1 club / 1 bite 1d6 / 1d3 Rock Baboon 6 9 1 club / 1 bite 1d6 / 1d3 Rock Baboon 6 7 1 club / 1 bite 1d6 / 1d3 Rock Baboon 6 10 1 club / 1 bite 1d6 / 1d3 Monster Distance: 120 feet away Monster Reaction: No Attack, monster leaves or considers offers
Stat Block for Rock Baboon
Armor Class: 6 | Hit Dice: 2 | Move: 120'(40') | Attacks: 1 club / 1 bite | Damage: 1d6 / 1d3 | Number Appearing: 2-12 (5-30) | Save As: Fighter 2 | Morale: 8 | Treasure Type: U | Alignment: Neutral | Source Page: B41
Notes: Rock baboons are larger versions of normal baboons, and are more intelligent. They will eat anything, but prefer meat. They do not make tools or weapons but will pick up bones or branches to use as clubs. Rock baboons form packs, each led by a dominant male. They are ferocious and have vicious tempers. They do not speak a true language, but use simple screams to communicate warnings and needs.
Treasure Found
Copper Pieces: 0 per individual
Silver Pieces: 2 per individual
Electrum Pieces: 0 per individual
Gold Pieces: 0 per individual
Platinum Pieces: 0 per individual
Experience Points Awarded
XP Earned Per Monster: 20
Total XP Earned For All 8 Monsters: 160
Total XP Earned For Treasure Found (In Gold Pieces): 0 per individual
Total XP Earned For Encounter: 160 total + 0 per individual
via reddit
Jeremy, I notice you blogged about my generator shortly after I launched it. Have you had an opportunity to come back and see the latest bells and whistles that have been added?